Posted by : Choithram School Friday, 18 September 2015


Selling Lord Ganesha Idols

‘Let us bring a slice of nature to our home today.’ 

The students of grade 6 to 10 prepared Lord Ganesha idols in an eco-friendly way during their Eco Club Activity and Clay Modelling periods in the months of August and September 2015. The idols were prepared in diverse forms keeping in mind the festival of GaneshaChaturthi that falls on September 17, 2015 this year.GaneshaChaturthi is the Hindu festival celebrated in honour of the god Ganesha, the elephant-headed. The festival involves installing clay images of Ganesha at home which are worshipped for ten days and then immersed at the end of the festival in a body of water such as a lake. The focus, therefore, was on preparing idols which after immersion do not pollute the water body.
We decided to sell the idols to students and teachers of the school from September 11, 2015 onwards during the short break time (15 minutes duration).  Prior to selling we made the announcement in the morning assembly informing everybody about the same.  We received a tremendous response and within three days all the idols were sold during the short break time.
The responses of our business team members are summed up below:
‘We learnt to handle a large crowd!’ – YashMotwani
‘We learnt time management skills (how to sell our product in a limited time)!’ – AashiniBhasin
‘We learnt how to deal with different types of customers (students from grade 6 to 12 and teachers)!’ – NiharAnand
‘We learnt how to make our choice their choice!’ (NiharSugandhi)
The ‘School Enterprise Challenge’, an initiative of UK based NGO ‘Teach a Man to Fish’organization is indeed a wonderful platform to enhance entrepreneurial skills of the students.

MANAGER – MARKETING & SALES                                                 
Handy Handicrafts Organization
Choithram School Enterprise

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