Posted by : Choithram School Monday, 19 February 2018

We Emerge as Winner of the Silver Business Plan in the Asia Pacific Region of SEC 2017

UK charity Teach A Man To Fish has announced Choithram School, Manik Bagh as a winner of the Silver Business Plan in the Asia Pacific Region of School Enterprise Challenge 2017. The award carries with it a prize of $1000. The school received the award in recognition of the exceptional school business planned in the school and its contribution to developing business and practical skills amongst students. More than 6000 schools from over 110 countries participated in the contest this year: an international programme which supports students and teachers to plan, set up and run a school business.
As a part of the business enterprise ‘Good Earth’, students from Montessori to grade 10 prepared handicrafts from recycled material, compost from dry leaves and saplings from flower cuttings while the business team of grade 11 and 12 was involved in selling these items during the Fundraising Events. The profits generated were used for empowering 150 students of Sri Krishna School in Sardarpur (a small town in Dhar district in the state of Madhya Pradesh) with the resources needed for better living. The students established a library by giving a cupboard and books, six green boards, sports equipment and two sets of uniform to the students of this school.
The contest challenges young people to establish a socially responsible, environment sustainable, yet profitable, business at their school. This offers a platform for providing hands-on relevant education to students, at the same time as generating extra income for the school.
Ms. Raminder Mac, Dean International Affairs and Lead Teacher of the project remarked, ‘Being involved in the business enterprise has fostered 21st century skills amongst the members of the business team enhancing their skills of critical thinking and problem solving, creativity and imagination, communication and collaboration, citizenship and student leadership. The enterprise gives students experiential learning and exposure of real market situation which they would not attain through text book knowledge.’ Principal Mr.  Rajesh Awasthi congratulated all students and teachers for achieving this remarkable feat.

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