Posted by : Choithram School Saturday, 30 June 2018

Competitor Analysis

Visit to Nature Nursery was undertaken with our Teacher Incharges Ms. Raminder Mac and Dr. (Ms.) Loveleen Chawla on June 30, 2018 to understand the modus operandi and way of working of this enterprise. Nature Nursery which is in close proximity to our school is one of our biggest competitors in the area of sale of saplings. Covering a lush green land of 100 acres with exotic plants from various parts of the world, beautiful landscape designs with a friendly tranquil atmosphere, Nature Nursery has a large customer base with tie ups with various five star hotels of the city and industries as well as different cities of the country. The entire Nursery is divided into three sections viz., shrubs, trees and indoor plants.
Nature Nursery has more than 200 types of plants and trees and makes an approximate annual turnover of more than 1 crore. They have variety of saplings available in different seasons. We found that the saplings were packed in black polythene bags which was not an environment friendly way of packing. When we questioned them about this, we were told that this was an inexpensive way of keeping the saplings for a longer duration of time. The nursery has skilled staff to look after various departments and provides them rigorous training after hiring them. They do not provide the facility of home delivery in case of small orders but do provide the facility of home delivery in case of bulk orders. They sell their compost and saplings at a much higher price than us. They advertise briskly through advertisements, their website and Facebook page. We realized that we had a lot to learn from Nature Nursery. We only scored over them in packing of saplings as we use small earthen pots for storing our saplings which is an eco-friendly initiative and not black polythene bags.

Taniya Wadhwani
Grade 11 D     


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