Posted by : Choithram School Saturday, 1 August 2015

To Generate Our Start-Up Capital

As a part of ‘School Enterprise Challenge’ an initiative of UK based NGO ‘Teach A Man to Fish’ organization, the business team of grade 12 got an opportunity to gain hands-on experience of running a business successfully.

To raise the start-up capital (for adhesive and colouring material for our handicraft business) we sold 95 kg compost to parents and teachers at Rs. 20 per kg during the PTM (Parent Teacher Meeting) of grade 1 and 2 on August 1, 2015. We were able to raise an amount of Rs. 1900 which covered our start-up cost.

The compost had been made by the students of Eco Club during the period February – May 2015. It was produced from leaves lying scattered in the school campus using the concept of ‘reduce, reuse and recycle’ and packed in eco-friendly newspaper bags. 

‘It was a visual treat watching the students explaining about the preparation of compost in the school, its uses and the purpose of School Enterprise Challenge to the parents,’ said Ms. Raminder Mac, Dean – International Affairs.

One of the parents remarked, ‘Unique and commendable effort by Choithramians!’

Ms. Dipti Telang, English faculty, Senior School said, ‘Such activities bind our children closer to mother earth.’

Ms. Chitralekha Kulkarni, HOD English Department, Senior School remarked, ‘I am impressed by the selling techniques of our budding entrepreneurs.’ 

We the students of grade 12 of the school business team of Handy Handicrafts Organization  (H2O)got the first-hand experience to accomplish ourplan for the School Enterprise Challenge 2015 on August 1, 2015. We had to sell compost to the parents of grade 1 and 2 made by the Eco Club students in the pit dug in the school campus. The compost in the market costs Rs. 35 per kg but we sold it to the parents at Rs. 20 per kg! We were able to sell 95 kg in small packets of 1 kg each and generate our startup capital (Rs.1900) for our enterprise. While selling the compost, I came across a parent who gave me Rs. 30 by mistake instead of Rs. 20.  I consulted my teacher and learnt that it is very necessary to be fair in business. I returned surplus Rs. 10 to the customer and felt happy doing that! Selling compost was a great experience and I learnt how difficult it is to earn money!I am really happy to be a part of the School Enterprise Challenge wherein my business skills will be honed. Now our next step would be to sell handicrafts made by students of various classes…

Handy Handicrafts Organization
Choithram School Enterprise

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