Posted by : Choithram School Friday, 21 August 2015


The business team of School Enterprise Challenge of the school – Handy Handicrafts Organization was imparted valuable tips by the Lead Teacher Mrs. Raminder Mac on August 21, 2015 for the Fundraising Event that was to take place in Junior School and CBSE-i (international curriculum) on August 22, 2015. The students were told to keep the following points in mind while dealing with the customer:
·         Inform the customers why the Fundraising Event is being organized in case they do not know
·         Inform them about the profits to be sent to our partner school in Zambia where the children barely get to eat one meal a day
·         Be polite and courteous
·         Be honest in your dealings – in case any customer pays extra money by mistake, return the extra amount
·         In case they ask for a discount, tell them that the prices are fixed and we are selling high quality products at a low price
·         If they get angry, listen to their complaint and tell them it would be rectified the next time.
·         Make a note of their suggestions.
·         Ask for their feedback andrequest them to fill the feedback form.
·         In case a customer is in a hurry and does not wish to fill the feedback form, do not pester him/her. Just say thank you.
·         Make a note of what items the customers would like to be included in the next Sales Event.

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